Monday, January 9, 2023

Starting the New Year Right 2023


January symbolically marks a new beginning and a fresh start. With that in mind, I have resolved to continue writing with a positive attitude.

 In 2022, I sold seven new short stories to publishers and saw them published. I also sold two novels, one new, one reprint. The reprint, TEA LEAVES AND TAROT CARDS, is available with three others of my romance novels from Luminosity: 

My new novel, HEART OF WISDOM, will be published July 24th of this year by Level Best Books. It combines historical family saga with mystery. I believe it is my most unique, original novel. 

I will continue to send my work out, short stories in particular to various publishers and publications regardless of acceptances. Most writers meet with a lot more rejection than acceptance. In that respect, I am typical. But if writing is something you feel compelled to do—like me—than you work at it regardless.

One of my continuing resolutions is striving to improve the quality of my work. With that in mind, I pay attention to editorial and reader comments.

Building a readership is not easy. I hope to increase mine. I also intend to continue reading diverse books and writing reviews of those I truly enjoy.

I resolve to do more landscape painting. I’ve let that go of late. I confess housework comes last—but it does and will get done, as does shopping and cooking. All of life’s necessities.

What are some of your plans or resolutions for the year ahead? Are they the same as last year or have they changed?


  1. Great post! This year I resolve to be more businesslike. I loathe doing publicity, etc., but realize I have to.

    1. Publicity is important for writers. You can write the best book, but if no one knows it exists, you lose.

  2. I rarely make resolutions but I've been thinking that this year is the time to get serious about a series that has languished and back that up with a coherent marketing plan, instead of doing the pieces I usually do. That should keep me busy, along with writing another in the series.

    1. Writing a series is an ambitious plan, but a worthy one. Good luck with it!

  3. I'm laissez faire about resolutions, but every day I'm determined to find something for which to be grateful. Happy new year to you, and may all your dreams come true.

    1. Saralyn,
      I believe you are admirable in continuing your writing career. Wishing you continued success.

  4. Jacqueline,

    Happy New Year! I wish you continued success.

    1. Thank you, and I wish you continued success as well.

  5. Happy New Year, Jacqueline. This year I I end to write more and better short stories. I believe it’s an important craft and I want to turn out my best.

    1. I agree that short story writing is an important craft and like you, I intend to devote much of my time to writing quality work.
