Friday, February 14, 2020

Valentine’s Day: Why Celebrate?

I look forward to VALENTINE’S DAY each year--and not just because it gives me an excuse to indulge my love of chocolate.  I admit to being a romantic at heart. That’s probably why many of my mystery novels have a romantic element in them.

The day had its origin with the Romans. The fertility celebration known as the Lupercalia eventually became the Christian Valentine's holiday. The Lupercalia festival was partly in honor of Lupa, the she-wolf who in legend nursed the infant orphans, Romulus and Remus, supposed founders of the city of Rome in 753 B.C. The pagan festival was also in honor of the Roman god Lupercus who was the god of shepherds.

There are several different stories connected to three early Christian martyrs who came to be called “Saint Valentine”. Besides becoming associated with love and romance, the holiday continued as a feast day.

Valentine’s Day is also the anniversary of my older son, Andrew Seewald, who is an attorney in New Brunswick, NJ. He and his wife met as grad students at Rutgers University. They were married before a judge on Valentine’s Day. My husband and I were their witnesses. After a lovely brunch at a local hotel, bride and groom drove a hundred miles so Andrew could defend a client in a courtroom in another town. They finally got a honeymoon several months later. It made no difference; they are still very happy together and in love. In fact, their wedding was the most romantic one I’ve ever attended.

No matter how dreary February might be, I always feel cheerful on Valentine’s Day.  I enjoy reading and writing romance novels. But Valentine’s Day is special. I don’t need candy, flowers or fancy cards to enjoy the day—just the company of my husband.

My latest novel, published by Luminosity, is an historical romance entitled           SINFUL SEDUCTION. It’s a book I wrote with love.
Some Book Links: 






Also: If you would like to read a Valentine’s story for free that combines mystery and romance, check out this one at:

Happy Valentine’s Day!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, Susan! Happy Valentine's Day to you as well.

  2. Loved hearing such a wonderful loves story about your son and his wife. Happy Valentine's Day from another Jersey Girl.

    1. Pat,

      Thanks, for dropping by and commenting! Every time I think of that unique Valentine's Day wedding I smile. Glad I could share the story with you.

  3. Happy Valentine's Day to you and your family, Jacqueline. I love the wedding story. I wish every day could be dedicated to expressing love. The world would be a lot better.

    1. Hi Saralyn,,

      I agree--every day should be Valentine's Day. The world would be a much better place.

  4. Wonderful post, Jacquie. Thanks for sharing the beautiful story about your son's wedding. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine's Day!

    1. Hi Jan,

      The children's anniversary always makes me happy, especially since it is Valentine's Day.

  5. Jacquie, I've always loved Valentine's Day too - ever since I was a little girl. Happy belated Valentine's Day!

  6. I'd forgottren some of the history surrounding Valentine's Day, so it was interesting to read your blog, Jacqueline. That's a lovely wedding Valentine story of your son's wedding. I've always loved Valentine's Day ever since grade school when we'd make Valentine holders and decorate them then circle the classroom and stuff them. Sadly, some people received less cards than others. My hubby has always been a romantic and brought me roses and a card yesterday.

    1. Elizabeth,

      How nice of your husband! Glad you enjoyed the story of my son's wedding.

  7. Wonderful post Jacqueline!
    Hope your Valentine's Day was blessed!
