Friday, January 5, 2024

Starting the New Year Right 2024


January symbolically marks a new beginning and a fresh start. With that in mind, I have resolved to continue writing.

I will continue to send my work out, short stories in particular to various publishers and publications regardless of acceptances. Most writers meet with a lot more rejection than acceptance. In that respect, I am typical. But if writing is something you feel compelled to do—like me—than you work at it regardless.

HEART OF WISDOM, published by Level Best Books in 2023, is, I believe, one of my best novels. I have resolved to begin working on a new one.

Another of my continuing resolutions is striving to improve the quality of my work. With that in mind, I pay attention to editorial and reader comments.

Building a readership is not easy. I hope to increase mine. I also intend to continue reading diverse books and writing reviews of those I truly enjoy. 

What are some of your plans or resolutions for the year ahead? Are they the same as last year or have they changed?


  1. My resolution is to start working on my novel again. It feels great to get back to it! This year, I am setting modest goals that I know I can achieve rather than being overly ambitious.

    1. A worthy goal! Modest goals are best. A good novel takes time to properly create.

  2. Write more; fret less.

  3. Great resolutions! Mine are similar. Happy New Year, Jacquie!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Pam. Wishing you much success with your writing in the coming year.

  4. The most important thing is to continue writing.

  5. Sorry, I don't know why I suddenly appeared as "Anonymous". I believe I fixed it with Blogger.

  6. In the years I've made resolutions, I invariably fail. So I'll just promise to go on doing what I've been doing. Happy New Year, Jacquie.

    1. May this year be a successful one!
