Monday, June 20, 2016

Short Fiction Opportunities for Writers by Jacqueline Seewald

If you are a writer of short fiction, there are many unique markets constantly popping up. They provide an exciting opportunity for new as well as experienced writers. What they have in common is that they are generally not high-paying but the brain child of ordinary people with extraordinary visions devoted to keeping meaningful fiction available to readers.

Although we tend to think of literary markets as non-paying, some indeed do pay well. Google “paying literary markets” and website listings pop up, these vary from print to online and in some cases include both.

There are more paying opportunities in genre fiction. Mystery is somewhat limited. However, if you think creatively, you can create mystery fiction with a speculative element. At this time, there are more opportunities in speculative short fiction writing--I refer here to sci-fi, horror and fantasy or a combination.

I wrote last of COLLIDOR which features live streaming of science fiction. My short story “Shroud,” a combination of science fiction and horror is featured on the website. Today I want to talk about Visual Adjectives which offers several types of anthology opportunities. I just received my copy of NEW LEGENDS which features fantasy.

Michelle Lawrence has put much time and effort into this work. The anthology she’s created consists of 400 pages of fantasy fiction. My story “The White Stag” is included in the current volume. This particular story is inspired by the legends of the Pine Barrens of New Jersey, an area I truly love. In my mystery novel THE THIRD EYE the eerie legends of the Barrens play a significant part in the setting and plot line as well.

What makes this anthology particularly unique is that Michelle has created a book which has three different distinct covers available. So you can choose the one you prefer if you order the book. Here’s the one I chose:

Here are the other two covers revealed:

 Which cover do you like best?

At this time, there are more opportunities for submission for future New Legends anthologies (Steampunk, Sci-fi and Fantasy). No, you will not get rich but you will be paid and you will receive a print copy of the anthology if your story is chosen for publication. You can check this out here:

Good luck! Comments and questions welcome.


  1. Great post....writers of these types of stories always need tips on markets. Thanks for sharing!
    Good luck and God's blessings

    1. Thanks, Pam, for stopping by. Whether or not authors are mainly writing novels, short fiction is an excellent means of connecting to a variety of readers.

  2. This is a good reminder that there are paying markets out there. Thanks for sharing this.

  3. Thanks for dropping by, Susan. There are a lot of different types of markets that will publish a variety of fiction. If one publication rejects, there's no need to be discouraged. Another may want to accept. So writers, keep sending work out!

  4. Thanks for the encouragement, Jacqui. I love the rush short stories give me, but I seldom know what to do with them. Good tips.

  5. Hi, Nikki,

    I hope this proves helpful to you.

  6. Your post is encouraging, Jacquie. Even though I haven't yet tried writing sci-fi or fantasy, I'm at the point where I want to stretch my interests. My first short story comes out in the fall and I found I loved writing it and can't wait to do another one. Pay is good, but so is exposure.

    1. Congrats, Carole, let us know when the story is published!

  7. Thanks, Jacquie - informative as always.
